
Every time I chose alcohol, I simultaneously rejected something else.

Apr 26, 2021

Every time I chose alcohol, I simultaneously rejected something else. Most of the time, that was being present with my child.

That's a punch in the gut statement, huh? But it's true. Every time you choose alcohol, you are rejecting something else. And for most of us mothers, that tends to be the time we spend with our kids.

We can't deal with their tantrums, so we choose alcohol to soothe ourselves.

We can't deal with the overwhelm, so we choose alcohol to escape.

We can't deal with having to do it all, so we choose alcohol and do nothing.

You made a choice, and you chose alcohol. But alcohol isn't the best option for the stresses of motherhood. We've been conditioned to believe it is, but it is the worst option that you could possibly choose. Why? Because you become more anxious, more depressed, and it doesn't help the actual issue.

You're just setting yourself up for a vicious cycle that one day you won't have a choice over anymore. Addiction takes away that choice, and all you...

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Connection is the antidote to addiction.

Apr 23, 2021

Why am I so passionate about the Confidently Be Alcohol-Free - 60 Day Challenge? Because it works! The single aspect of connection alone will increase your chances of success to long-term sobriety.

As moms, we don’t have a lot of extra time to focus on ourselves. We’re focusing on our kids, our significant others, our friends, our parents, etc. Some feel that these challenges will be an extra layer of pressure added to their life. That’s the last thing I want to do. I want to provide bite-size pieces of information as well as a small, safe space where you feel comfortable in sharing (or venting) your struggles with alcohol and motherhood. That’s exactly what the 60 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge is for.

LAST CALL on Early Bird Pricing for the Confidently Be Alcohol-Free- 60 Day Challenge starting May 1st! If you've been struggling and wondering why no one else understands what you're going through. We do. The connections these mothers form in this challenge are...

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Practice showing up for yourself. Every. Single. Day.

Apr 21, 2021


Are you showing up for yourself when it comes to ditching alcohol?

Are you intentionally planning out your day so that when the wine witch hits, you can disrupt the pattern with a healthier alternative?

Are you becoming aware of your triggers and how to handle them moving forward without alcohol?

Are you putting yourself at the top of your list?

Are you surrounding yourself with others who want a healthier lifestyle?

All of these come into play when we remove alcohol from our life. It's not just about removing the substance either. That's a tiny piece of the puzzle. The real work lies in the beliefs and stories you are telling yourself around alcohol and why you think you need it in your life.

It's time to start showing up and getting yourself out of this toxic cycle for good by joining us in the Confidently Be Alcohol-Free - 60 Day Challenge that starts on May 1st!

Early bird pricing ends FRIDAY (4/23) at 11:59 pm EST.

Click here to register. 

If you have...

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"A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself."

Apr 14, 2021

I’ve been there. Not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Feeling like a failure and not believing you deserve a better life. In those dark moments, I wish I had a mentor to guide me and show me my worth. Ultimately what I wanted to see was HOPE. That’s what coaches and mentors do. We’re there to encourage, pick you back up when you fall, and ask you questions to get you to those “aha” moments. Those moments where things finally click, you start believing in yourself, and you’re finally able to string days, months, and years together.

If you’re looking for someone to show you the light at the end of the tunnel, then message me to see if you'd be a good fit for either the 1:1 Coaching Program or Confidently Be Alcohol-Free - 60 Day Challenge.

My prices will be increasing for my 1:1 programs on May 1st, and all my spots for April are currently filled, so if you'd like to lock in the current pricing, please message me WAITLIST, and we can...

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You have to feel it to heal it.

Apr 08, 2021

The number one reason why we drink is because we don't want to feel. We don't want to feel those uncomfortable emotions.

When it came to sadness, I would reach for a bottle of wine and forget about the problem until I was done with the bottle and hysterically crying myself to sleep. This wasn't helping me truly embrace the feeling. The alcohol suppressed the emotion until my inhibitions were loosened, and I let it out, but I couldn't process it. It was an endless cycle of drink to suppress, cry or lash out, pass out, wake up the next day with the issue still there, then repeat.

Now when sadness comes, I let it move through me. I cry. I reach out to someone to talk through it. I journal it out. I do whatever I can to not suppress and to normalize the sadness. It's ok to be sad. It's ok to feel it. I know it's uncomfortable and feels scary at first, but that's the only way out. This is the way to process those emotions. Not running to a bottle of wine every time you're sad or anxious...

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It takes more energy to control than to let go.

Apr 06, 2021

It takes more energy to control than to let go.

I hear this ALL THE TIME. You know what I'm talking about, right? Those thoughts of moderation, and what if I can just have a glass of wine here or there.

I'm going to give it to you straight. If you were the type who could moderate or only have one drink here and there, then you wouldn't have questioned your drinking in the first place. Putting restrictions like, "I'm only going to drink on the weekends, or I'm only going to have one glass of wine one night a week" is just messing with your mind.

You're letting alcohol control your life. Wouldn't it be much easier to draw that line in the sand and say I'm done and let go of trying to "control" your alcohol intake? Don't spend all that energy trying to keep something in your life that you know doesn't add any value to you.

Are you ready to start letting go of those pesky moderation thoughts?

Are you ready to get to a place where you DON'T want to drink, not that you CAN'T drink?


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Stop comparing your sobriety journey with some random person on the internet.

Apr 05, 2021

Stop comparing your sobriety journey with some random person on the internet.

This has been a topic that's been coming up recently with my 1:1 clients and challenge participants. The comparison game. The thoughts of, "they have it all together and enjoy this sober life, so why can't I be like that too." Or "everyone successful in sobriety meditates, so that means I HAVE to do it too to be successful."

First, there are many pathways to sobriety. That notion that you have to read all the quit lit, listen to all the sober podcasts, meditate for 15 minutes every day, and journal every day are ways for you to enhance your recovery, but they aren't the end all be all.

At the end of the day, you have to find what works for YOU. Not what the sober influencer says. Not what the person in AA says. YOU. But I will add a little disclaimer there if your own way isn't producing results, then listen to someone because your way isn't working, so be willing to take some pointers from someone who's...

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I don't know who needs to hear this, but alcohol will not give you the real rest you're so desperately craving.

Apr 02, 2021

I don't know who needs to hear this, but alcohol will not give you the real rest you're so desperately craving.

I hear this all the time from my 1:1 clients and 60 Day Alcohol-Free Challenge participants. They turn to alcohol when they're tired.

Have y'all heard of HALT? Hungry. Angry. Lonely. Tired. There's a reason why it's used in the recovery space. These are the four primary triggers. So if you have a craving, then ask yourself. Am I hungry? If yes, have a snack. Am I angry? Let that energy out. Punch a pillow. Scream. Take some deep breathes. Am I lonely? If yes, reach out to a friend or someone in the sober community. Am I tired? If yes, and you can take a nap, then do it. If not, then do something where you can relax without having to use much energy.

Give yourself a break and the real rest you deserve. Don't go to alcohol, which will only interrupt your REM sleep and may give you a boost of energy in the beginning but will make you even more tired in the end. And you're not...

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I see you...

Mar 31, 2021

I see you following Sober Mom Tribe, Sober Mom Coach, and other sobriety accounts on Instagram.


I see you joining sober groups on Facebook. 


I see you listening to the Sober As A Mother podcast and other podcasts on sobriety.


I see you adding the Confidently Be Alcohol-Free - 60 Day Challenge to your cart.


I see you hesitating. 


I see you having thoughts of., "I can't do this.", "What if it's a waste of money?", "What if I slip up during the challenge?"


I see you putting off being alcohol-free because of FEAR.


I see you continuing on this same drinking pattern.


I see you waking up at 2 am wondering why you keep doing this to yourself. 


I see you wasting another year going through the same motions and missing out on precious moments with your kids.


Imagine if you decided to trust yourself that first time you wanted to join the challenge or a 1:1 Coaching Program?


Imagine how much...

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I couldn't imagine my life without alcohol either, but here I am proving my past self wrong.

Mar 29, 2021

At one point, many of us who are sober couldn't imagine a life without alcohol, but here we are, proving our past selves wrong.

It's easy to think that people who have been sober for a while now don't understand what it was like on day one without alcohol. Trust me. We understand.

We, too, had the thoughts of...

How am I going to make it through life without alcohol?
No one is going to like me if I don't drink.
What if I fail?

Also, the anxiety that feels like it's never going to end and you're going to die? The worst. But we're living proof that we made it through those hard times. We made it through all the "firsts," and we're here to tell you that you can too.

We all have to start somewhere. We all started with the same fears, doubts, and anxieties of not drinking. If I could tell you anything, it would be that the fears aren't as bad as your mind wants you to think they are. Our brain wants to keep us safe and in our comfort zone, but tell that inner gremlin that you are DONE...

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4 Simple Tips To Ditch The Booze and The Excuses For Good

Have you been trying to get out of the toxic drinking cycle, but then after 4 or 5 days, you say, "screw it!"?

Download these 4 simple tips on how to conquer that wine witch once and for all, so you can actually ENJOY an alcohol-free life.